Degenerative Disc Disease

The disc that are found between the vertebral bodies of the spine acts as a shock absorber.  The center of these disc has a high water content and contain a substance with the consistency of gelatin.  As the center of the disc, The Nucleus Pulposus, and the outer band, the Annulus Fibrosus, age and deteriorate the […]

Iliotibial Band

Sometimes you may experience pain on the outside of your knee after running or walking.  This could be Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome or IT Band Syndrome. This occurs when the band of connective tissue rubs on the outside of your knee.  It is due to the tightness of the IT Band and muscles you use […]


Sometimes you may have a pain that shoots down your leg as well as in the hip region.  You may think this pain is related to a herniated disc. Although this could be the cause, you could be experiencing Piriformis Syndrome. The Piriformis muscle is a small pear shaped muscle that runs from your sacrum […]

Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral Neuropathy can affect your balance.  Peripheral Neuropathy is a failure of the nerves to carry information from the area it serves to the brain and spinal cord.  For example, the nerves responsible for providing information to and from your feet are damaged and the information about feel and movement is not communicated to the […]

Orthostatic Hypertension

Sometimes dizziness is related to blood pressure issues.  You experience lightheadedness or fainting that appears while standing.  You may have a condition called orthostatic hypotension or postural hypotension.  This is when there is a drop in blood pressure with a change in body position. Other symptoms of orthostatic hypotension could include:  Chest pain, fainting, incontinence […]

Fall Risk

The fear of falling is the number one reason for decreased mobility in the aging population.  The fear of falling is difficult to overcome, but can be eliminated with proper activities and encouragement. Who is at risk for a fall?  The strongest predictor for falling at a later time is already having fallen. Other risk […]

Ankle Function

Most think the main movement of the ankle is rocking up and down,  actually there is a twisting component involved.  As the foot reaches mid-stance, it becomes stable on the ground in a normal foot.  The Tibia, which is the leg bone, will rotate because of the bone orientation between the tibia and femur at […]

Child Obesity and Summer

In the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention publication journal Preventing Chronic Disease an article on childhood obesity was published June 12, 2014.  The article titled “Accelerated Weight Gain Among Children During Summer Verses School Year and Related Racial/Ethnic Disparities: A Systematic Review” compared seven studies and noticed 6 of the 7 demonstrated a faster […]

One-Piece Swing

There are two types of golf swings.  The two-piece or small muscle swing and the one-piece or large muscle swing.  The one-piece swing is also sometimes called the stabilized spine swing. The swing is started with the hips and trunk, which allow shoulder and hip rotation without restricting hip rotation.  The shoulders and hips rotate […]


Most people will have a minor neck problem at one time or another. Our body movements usually do not cause problems.  It’s not surprising that symptoms develop from everyday wear and tear, overuse or injury. Neck problems and injuries most commonly occur during sports or recreational activities, work-related tasks, or projects around the home. Home […]