The fear of falling is the number one reason for decreased mobility in the aging population. The fear of falling is difficult to overcome, but can be eliminated with proper activities and encouragement. Who is at risk for a fall? The strongest predictor for falling at a later time is already having fallen. Other risk […]
Author: alison
Ankle Function
Most think the main movement of the ankle is rocking up and down, actually there is a twisting component involved. As the foot reaches mid-stance, it becomes stable on the ground in a normal foot. The Tibia, which is the leg bone, will rotate because of the bone orientation between the tibia and femur at […]
Child Obesity and Summer
In the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention publication journal Preventing Chronic Disease an article on childhood obesity was published June 12, 2014. The article titled “Accelerated Weight Gain Among Children During Summer Verses School Year and Related Racial/Ethnic Disparities: A Systematic Review” compared seven studies and noticed 6 of the 7 demonstrated a faster […]
Heart Healthy Diet
A heart healthy diet means following a menu comprised mostly of plant-based foods. This means eating raw and cooked vegetables of every description, along with fresh fruit, whole grains and beans. Some experts believe you must eat a strictly vegetarian diet, but some cardiologists have gotten very good results by being a little more relaxed, […]
Congenital Deformities
A Congenital Deformity (one that is acquired at birth) can be significant or significantly mild. This type of deformity can be fairly common. Some estimate that only about one in five individuals have a completely normal back consisting of a normal spinal column when viewed by X-Ray or other radiographic procedures. The majority of congenital […]
Cervical Disc Disease
One who is younger with acute (recent) onset of neck pain which is usually in a specific area on one side of the neck and in the area between the shoulder blades may be experiencing Degenerative Disc Disease. Symptoms may be spontaneous or may be caused by an accident. Moving your head can increase the […]
Ankle Eversion Injury
When you twist your foot and ankle, you suffer an inversion sprain. When you twist your foot out you have an eversion injury. While an inversion injury can heal within a few weeks, an eversion injury can be more involved. When you twist your foot out you will feel pain on the inside part of […]
Chomdromalacia Patella
Running injuries occur with over training, improper warm-up or stretching, poor running mechanics, or from a previous injury which causes muscle weakness. Most of these injuries can be avoided. For instance, Chomdromalacia Patella is a condition affecting the cartilage of the underside of the kneecap. It can be caused from a microtrauma from repeated bending […]
A fall is defined as unintentionally coming to rest on the ground, floor or other lower level from a standing, sitting or horizontal position. Sometimes, it is difficult getting someone to admit to a fall because they may feel they will lose control or it will be a sign of getting old. Falls are the […]
Good flexibility can reduce the risk of injury not only in sports, but also on an everyday basis. A short muscle is more likely to become injured. A short muscle can also lead to an altered posture and create stress to your joints and your back and your neck. What influences the amount of mobility […]