Baking Soda and Honey

Baking Soda and Honey: Remedy that destroys even the most severe disease! It’s medically proven that all sugars are counter-beneficial when it comes to cancer simply because cancer cells feed on sugar. However, this natural remedy combining baking soda and honey or maple syrup acts in a completely different way. For one thing, baking soda […]

Causes of Heart Disease

What causes heart disease?  Your heart is a pump. Its one and only job is to pump blood to the rest of your body.  Your heart has its own system which supplies blood to the heart. This is a set of three major blood vessels, the coronary arteries, and they must receive a strong, steady […]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Nocturnal Paresthesia, or numbness at night involving some of your fingers, is a common sign of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  This numbness can lead to pain. The pain can lead to a poor night of sleep. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when the median nerve, which runs from your forearm into the palm of the hand, becomes  […]

Ankle Sprain Grades

You have rolled your ankle and it is painful and swelling.  You get it checked out and are told it is a Grade I Ankle Sprain.  What does that mean? Ankle sprains are graded as follows: Grade I:  Range of motion is decreased but your strength is within normal limits.  There is mild swelling and […]