Chomdromalacia Patella

Running injuries occur with over training, improper warm-up or stretching, poor running mechanics, or from a previous injury which causes muscle weakness.  Most of these injuries can be avoided.  For instance, Chomdromalacia Patella is a condition affecting the cartilage of the underside of the kneecap.  It can be caused from a microtrauma from repeated bending […]


A fall is defined as unintentionally coming to rest on the ground, floor or other lower level from a standing, sitting or horizontal position.  Sometimes, it is difficult getting someone to admit to a fall because they may feel they will lose control or it will be a sign of getting old.  Falls are the […]


Good flexibility can reduce the risk of injury not only in sports, but also on an everyday basis.  A short muscle is more likely to become injured. A short muscle can also lead to an altered posture and create stress to your joints and your back and your neck.   What influences the amount of mobility […]

Falling, Balance and Physical Therapy

Falling is a common problem amongst the elderly, and it can result in serious injury. It is estimated that one in every three adults aged 65 and older suffers from a fall every year. Fall related injuries range from hip fractures to head trauma. After a fall, patients experience a significant loss of confidence and […]

Endurance Benefits

Increased endurance is a result of changes in the cardiovascular, muscular and pulmonary systems. Immediate changes include: More blood flow to the muscles Increased heart rate Arterial pressure increase Increased demand and consumption of oxygen More respirations and deeper respirations The muscles have increased density of the capillary beds over The long term.  Muscles are […]

Nutrition and Exercise

Eating healthy and exercising are two of the best things you can do to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Eating from the four basic food groups plus getting plenty of fiber should be cornerstones in your diet.  Drinking adequate amounts of water should also be included in your nutrition plan. Avoiding excess fats, sugars and sodium […]


 Inactivity has become a way of life for too many people, just as heart disease has and that’s not a coincidence. Your tendency to recline on the sofa or spend hours at the computer directly contributes to the risk of heart disease by hiking your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. Unfortunately, being […]

Obesity Defined

Almost 100 million Americans are obese or overweight.  What is obesity? it is a condition caused by the accumulation of excess body fat.  Obesity not only affect Americans, but it is a worldwide epidemic. Almost 40% of the people in the U.S. are obese including children.  15% of children ages 6-11 and 16% of children […]


Some factors for heart disease include elevated cholesterol and triglycerides: Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in the fats (lipids) carried in your bloodstream. Your body actually needs a certain amount of cholesterol to build healthy cells.  However, too much cholesterol in your blood results in fatty deposits of plaque that can clog your coronary […]

Diabetes/Heart Disease

Diabetes and obesity are factors related to heart disease.  Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that causes your body to use insulin ineffectively. This results in your body being unable to convert all of the glucose or sugar from the food you eat into energy. As a result, this excess glucose coats your blood vessels, damaging […]