Most people will have a minor neck problem at one time or another. Our body movements usually do not cause problems. It’s not surprising that symptoms develop from everyday wear and tear, overuse or injury. Neck problems and injuries most commonly occur during sports or recreational activities, work-related tasks, or projects around the home. Home […]
Author: Steve Taylor
Knee Tendinosis
Tendinosis in the knee can be defined as either quadriceps tendinosis (which involves the tendon above the kneecap) or patellar tendinosis (the tendon below the knee). This is commonly referred to as jumper’s knee or runner’s knee. Interestingly enough, quadriceps tendinosis usually occurs in the older population while patellar tendinosis occurs in the younger population. […]
Forces on Spine with Golf Swing
The modern golf swing can produce more power, but it can also result in an increased chance of injury to the spine. There are several forces acting on the spine with the golf swing: Compression: This particular force can be a source of injury to the spine. Studies have shown that in a golf swing […]
Common Ortho Causes of Low Back Pain
Acute low back pain is a sharp severe pain with recent onset. Acute low back pain is the most frequent low back pain. Because of the lumbosacral joint position in the skeleton, It supports the body’s weight and acts as the pivot when lifting or bending. Because of this pivoting of this joint and the […]
Obesity/Health Problems
Obesity is a condition involving the storage of excess body fat because of an imbalance between the number of calories eaten and the number of calories burned over an extended period of time. As little as 100 extra calories per day will lead to a 10 lb weight gain each year, which can lead to […]
Gait Changes and Peripheral Neuropathy
One that experiences a Sensorimotor Peripheral Neuropathy, or a loss of feeling and strength in their legs, will have a loss of sensation of how the body is positioned because of loss of feedback from the ankle. This loss of strength and sensation may lead to ankle instability and the center of pressure on the […]
Endurance Guidelines
Muscle endurance can take place in an exercise program designed to improve strength. Endurance can also be achieved by exercises that are repeated against a moderate load to the point of muscle fatigue. Total body endurance is related to aerobic capacity. In other words to the ability of the body to transport oxygen as well as […]
Difficult Golf Swing
Why is the golf swing so difficult? Because it is a dynamic movement involving linear motion as well as rotation while maintaining balance and spine angle. This motion begins with a controlled movement of the hip and pelvis. The trunk and lower back are rotating, while they are also side bending in the same direction. The […]
Endurance Benefits
Increased endurance is a result of changes in the cardiovascular, muscular and pulmonary systems. Immediate changes include: More blood flow to the muscles Increased heart rate Arterial pressure increase Increased demand and consumption of oxygen More respirations and deeper respirations The muscles have increased density of the capillary beds over The long term. Muscles are […]
Nutrition and Exercise
Eating healthy and exercising are two of the best things you can do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eating from the four basic food groups plus getting plenty of fiber should be cornerstones in your diet. Drinking adequate amounts of water should also be included in your nutrition plan. Avoiding excess fats, sugars and sodium […]